Lisa Cates
Lisa Cates

Vice President, Business Solutions
B. Sc. (Mathematics)
Western Washington University
Contact Info
21618 Quiet Water Loop
Lake Tapps, WA 98391
(253) 939-7552
Professional Activities
- Developed solutions and taught training programs for one of the first repository based process modeling solutions.
- Helped organizations worldwide develop and implement solutions and training programs for both standard and custom frameworks in the areas of BPM, enterprise architecture, strategic planning, requirements management, risk analysis and compliance, operational risk assessment, and many others.
- Worked with though leaders such as Roger Bulton, Process Renewal Group, John Zachman and Stan Locke, the Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement, the Open Group, TOGAF and many others to develop repository based software solutions to support and implement their respective frameworks.
- Currently working on a leading edge "top bottom" solution that aligns business strategy to capabilities, capturing all enterprise asset architectures including business processes aligned to organizational
structure, drilling down to automated workflow and desktop procedures. This framework is built on top of a powerful, repository based modeling tool, allowing all enterprise information to be linked and leverage to its fullest extent.
Career History
Vice President, Business Solutions, Future Tech Systems, Inc, 1990 - present
For Future Tech Systems, Inc. (FTS) Lisa has spent the past 18 years working with our Envision® software, a repository based modeling tool. During the past 15 years she has worked with FTS and their clients to develop and implement solutions in areas such as strategic planning, business process management, enterprise architecture, requirements management, systems and technology design, change management, program/project planning, and risk analysis. She has worked with various methodologies and notations, including, the Process Renewal Group framework, the Zachman framework, TOGAF, Six Sigma, BPMN, UML, RUP, and numerous custom solutions and notations. Additionally, Lisa has lead and developed training programs for these solutions including "train the trainer" programs and certifications.